Cannabis Jar Recycling: Sustainable Practices in Cannabis Delivery

Lucky Green Ladies is committed to being green across all our operations. From our hybrid electric vehicles to our ocean-bound packaging, sustainability is central to who we are.

How it works

We’ve made it simple.

  1. Order from Lucky Green Ladies.
  2. Gather up your used cannabis jars and other eligible items.
  3. Clean them with soap and hot water.
  4. Give them to your Lucky Green Ladies budtender or delivery driver.
  5. Receive 10 reward points for every eligible item you return. (Learn more about our Rewards program here.)

What you can give us

Below is a list of eligible items we accept for recycling. *Items that are NOT on this list will not be accepted:

  • Flower drams
  • Pre-roll tubes
  • Mylar bags
  • Plastic bags
  • Exit bags (plastic)

Of course, there are some rules.

Did you know that 91% of plastic does not get recycled due to varying regulations, specifications, and global country policies?

As much as we like breaking rules, these rules help us properly recycle everything you give us:

  • All packaging must be cleaned thoroughly with hot water and soap.
  • Only eligible cannabis product items can be returned for recycling.

Our Packaging

Lucky Green Ladies is committed to maintaining a small carbon footprint through our sustainable packaging initiatives. Our main priority is to create quality products that are good for you – and for the environment.

We will continue to push the envelope on safer, eco-friendlier manufacturing processes.

Recycled Cardboard

Cardboard emits more greenhouse gasses (and kills more trees) than plastic but we use 100% recycled cardboard in all of our pre-roll packs and pre-roll tubes, which means there are zero carbon emissions.

The end life of cardboard is much more sustainable than plastic because it decomposes much more efficiently (3 months to 5 years, depending on the conditions) compared to plastic which takes thousands of years to decompose and even then it does not fully decompose.

By using recycled cardboard, we are not producing any greenhouse gasses and our packaging has a reasonable end life. Plus, recycled cardboard does not lose durability or resistance after the recycling process and can be recycled again up to seven more times.

Recycled Ocean Plastics

The best packaging for a cannabis flower dram is Oceanworks-certified plastic. They are recycled plastic jars from the ocean which help reduce our plastic and carbon footprint. Not only do using these types of plastics protect sea life, reduce pollution, and minimize reliance on producing new plastic, but it also supports the local communities near which these plastics are sourced from.

Beeswax & Wildflower Seeds

We like to leave everything better than how we found it. Select Lucky Green Ladies products include bloomer™ beeswax and wildflower seeds, which means when you dispose of your stash, not only is it biodegradable, but noninvasive, bee-friendly flowers will be left behind to help combat the decline of pollinating honeybees.


In case you’re a nature-loving nerd (like us!)...

Not all plastic can be recycled. What may seem like no big deal to you could be the difference between your items getting recycled into new materials or adding to the trash that piles up in landfills.

Individual pre-roll tubes and black plastic are killing our cannabis industry – and our planet. Municipal waste management services (aka your friendly neighborhood trash trucks) take everything in your recycling bins and sort through everything to determine what can be truly used.

In other words, you have to read the fine print to know whether or not your town will recycle the items you throw in your recycling bins. Luckily for you, we like to be in the weeds of things, so here’s what you need to know.

Packaging Materials That Cannot Be Recycled

  • Plastic smaller than 2” in diameter (think: plastic caps from flower drams or single pre-roll tubes)
  • Flexible plastic (like those pesky mylar bags)
  • All black and dark-colored plastic (because recycling facilities sort plastics by bouncing a beam of light off them)

Packaging Materials That Can Be Recycled

  • Glass (such as from flower drams)
  • Aluminum (think: pre-roll packs)
  • White flower drams (because white reflects light and helps sorters identify recyclable materials!)

Want more information? (We got you.) Please reference Recycling in Massachusetts | Can I Recycle This| Recycle Smart MA to learn more about recycling and find out what household items are actually recyclable.



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